Segregation of dangerous goods under the IMDG Code and Master’s personal liability for violations
Just maritime
Designed for mobiles and Windows. May not display properly on MAC.
Division of responsibilities related to cargo operations between charterers and owners
Mental / behavioural disorders and medical fitness for sea service
Quarantine due to COVID & Off-hire
Savage & vicious nature of a crew member, and owner's liability for unseaworthiness
A vessel brought to India basis a false distress alert - can it be subject to customs duty?
A stevedore falling through an open entrance cover of a poorly lit lashing bridge – who’s to blame?
UMS and its impact on safe manning
Crew change clauses & deviation - who bears the risk of delays?
Safe manning documents
Disability compensation - for heart ailment
MARPOL violations in US
Crew wages, MLC and AMSA
'Non-Seafarers Work' clause in ITF CBAs
Crew wages - check local requirements for coastal trade in Aus as MLC compliance may not be enough
Piracy & seafarer employment contracts
Deviating to pick up a crew member to comply with SMC. Is it 'reasonable'?
Injured seafarers and ambulance chasing lawyers
Claiming for injuries stemming from excessive work hours
HRA, crew bonus and choice of route