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Just maritime
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Siddharth Mahajan
May 26, 20242 min read
From Ship to Scrap: When does Admiralty Jurisdiction end?
Does Admiralty jurisdiction extend to a vessel that has been beached? In The Kelsie [2024], the charterers were looking to arrest the...
Siddharth Mahajan
Apr 5, 20242 min read
Arrest by Indonesian navy for illegal anchoring leads to a constructive total loss claim under the war risk policy
The Win Win [2024] joins The Afra Oak [2023] as another case involving ship arrest by Indonesian navy for illegal anchoring. In this...
Siddharth Mahajan
Jan 1, 20242 min read
What makes a vessel a “ship” for the purposes of validly invoking the court’s admiralty jurisdiction?
A ship – we all know it when we see one, but we can’t really define it. That is perhaps the only right answer to the deceptively simple...
Siddharth Mahajan
Nov 26, 20232 min read
Detention for anchoring in Spore OPL without permission from local authorities - who bears the loss?
Over the past years many vessels have been detained by Indonesian or Malaysian navies for anchoring in their waters without permission....
Siddharth Mahajan
May 8, 20222 min read
Time charterers and maritime liens
If a bank exercises its ship mortgage maritime lien and arrests a vessel for owner’s default, then a time charterer as provider of...
Siddharth Mahajan
Dec 31, 20201 min read
Is a ROV a ship?
Can a remote operated vehicle be arrested, or in other words can in rem jurisdiction be invoked against a ROV? Yes, if it is deemed to be...
Siddharth Mahajan
Dec 31, 20201 min read
Bunker suppliers arresting ship because charterer did not settle invoices
To recover the sums due for bunkers supplied on request of time charterers, suppliers may try to claim against the vessel by having her...
Siddharth Mahajan
Dec 31, 20201 min read
Change of ownership post collision and 'in rem' claims
If an in rem writ is issued against the wrong doing ship involved in a collision after she undergoes a change in ownership, then who...
Siddharth Mahajan
Dec 30, 20201 min read
What is a 'sister ship' for purposes of ship arrest?
Various jurisdictions allow arrest of a sister ship to enforce a maritime claim. But proving that the vessel is a sister ship can prove...
Siddharth Mahajan
Mar 29, 20201 min read
Payment for bunkers not remitted down the C/P chain - a risk for owners
It is common to have a string of contracts in the bunker supply chain, which creates a risk of ship being arrested if the payment for...
Siddharth Mahajan
Sep 8, 20191 min read
Change in ownership after summons had been issued, precludes ship arrest?
When Hanjin Shipping collapsed in 2016, the creditors, foreseeing sale of Hanjin fleet, scrambled to have writs of ship arrest issued in...
Siddharth Mahajan
May 12, 20191 min read
Purchasing a ship? Check if it is free of pre-existing debts
Judicial sale of a vessel usually results in her being sold ‘free and unencumbered’. It would come as quite a shock to the buyer if it...
Siddharth Mahajan
Dec 23, 20181 min read
Piracy & seafarer employment contracts
Amalgam of multiple issues such as piracy, seafarer employment contracts, CBAs, arrest of ship and sister ship – is what makes The...
Siddharth Mahajan
Nov 25, 20181 min read
Maritime lien for physical bunker suppliers (OW bunkers saga)
Following the financial collapse of OW Bunkers, the physical suppliers of ship bunkers have been threatening to or arresting vessels to...
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