Apr 22, 20231 minMARPOL / pollutionMARPOL violations - Environmental Compliance Plan (ECP) and probationary period in USUS is one place that follows a strict deterrence model for environment-related violations by vessels visiting its ports. Besides being...
Mar 29, 20224 minGHGWhat is CII all about?EEXI is the ticket to the game, while CII is all about playing the game. Either win or try to survive. A loss would mean your ship can't...
Mar 27, 20223 minGHGIMO's EEXI regulationsDuring the recently concluded Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 75) meeting in November, IMO has duly approved the amendments...
Mar 27, 20224 minGHGEnvironmental, Social and Governance (ESG) framework in ShippingESG framework is the broad concept that covers the Environmental, Social, and Governance practices of an organization. In the past year,...
Mar 26, 20222 minMARPOL / pollutionProsecution in US for MARPOL violationsIn the last 2 months there have been 2 cases related to MARPOL Annex I violations in US where the Chief Engineers have argued that they...
Sep 15, 20212 minCLCApplicability of CLC 92Tankers carrying more than 2,000 t of persistent oil as cargo are required to maintain insurance as per CLC 92. This is to ensure that...
Dec 31, 20201 minAmericasMARPOL violations in USMARPOL violations, typically of Annex I, on high seas is not uncommon and one state that has been aggressively pursuing such is US....
Dec 31, 20201 minCLCCLC'92 or Bunker convention?CLC'92 or Bunker convention – which one applies in case of bunker spill from a tanker in ballast? Determining this is anything but...
Aug 1, 20201 minLimitation of liabilityLLMC'76 and its '96 protocol - damage caused by Wakashio in MauritiusDamage done by the spill of 1200+mt of bunker oil from Wakashio off the Mauritius coast is no doubt an environmental catastrophe. Costs...
Mar 8, 20201 minOPA 90Under OPA 90 is tug owner the 'operator'?Incase of oil pollution in US nav. waters, primary response and clean up obligations are triggered by OPA 90. The act makes a...
Feb 24, 20191 minAmericasDue diligence defence against pollution liabilitiesDefence of due diligence to the rescue! A few days ago, The Marathassa, which had spilled 2700 ltrs of bunker oil in Vancouver's English...
Dec 16, 20181 minMARPOL / pollutionThe Prestige sage - criminalization of seafarers & little regard for int'l compensation regimesThe recent Spanish top court's ruling in one of the many legal proceedings which followed after the sinking of 'Prestige' in 2002 has...