The Role of Tugs in Vessel Berthing and Unberthing: The Aframax River Incident
Just maritime
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Detention for anchoring in Spore OPL without permission from local authorities - who bears the loss?
'Perception of pilotage' leads to a collision. Who's to blame?
Passing vessel blamed 100% for collision caused in locks by the suction effect of the water
Grounding in the approach channel - unsafe port, unseaworthiness, or negligent navigation?
Collision in the Suez Canal involving a moored vessel
Powers and responsibilities of coastal / port states
Time charterers and their liability towards 3rd parties for damage done by the vessel
What takes precedence - commercial pressures or the UKC policy and the necessary safety margins?
Aware of deficient bridge watchkeeping practices? Act or loose the right to limit liability (in US)
If staying at berth in heavy weather, then vessel's mooring analysis better be accurate
Under keel clearance & role of port / pilot