Just maritime
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Powers and responsibilities of coastal / port states
What if bunker contract is subject to English law but expressly allows the supplier to assert lien?
Time charterers and their liability towards 3rd parties for damage done by the vessel
What takes precedence - commercial pressures or the UKC policy and the necessary safety margins?
Quarantine due to COVID & Off-hire
Savage & vicious nature of a crew member, and owner's liability for unseaworthiness
‘High Seas’ includes the exclusive economic zones of countries?
Aware of deficient bridge watchkeeping practices? Act or loose the right to limit liability (in US)
War in Yemen causing cargo to be diverted. Are expenses incurred recoverable under ICC A?
A vessel brought to India basis a false distress alert - can it be subject to customs duty?
A stevedore falling through an open entrance cover of a poorly lit lashing bridge – who’s to blame?
Time charterers and maritime liens
UMS and its impact on safe manning
Variation in C/P. Charterers saying "unenforceable" since entered into under duress.
If staying at berth in heavy weather, then vessel's mooring analysis better be accurate